Statusberichte Nr. 32
1. Innovation Day of Compressor Technology
at TU Dresden BITZER Professur für Kälte-, Kryo- und Kompressorentechnik
20. Oktober 2017
Content: Presentations
01 "Influence of Lubricants in Refrigeration and Process Gas Compressors"
von Tobias Göpfert, BITZER Professur der TU Dresden
02 "Refrigerant Injection in Scroll and Screw Compressors"
von Dr. Heinz Jürgensen, BITZER Kühlmaschinenbau GmbH
03 "Water Injection in Screw Compressors"
von Piotr Skibinski, RELO GmbH Verdichter
04 "Oil Free Compression in Domestic Household Refrigerators"
von Prof. Cláudio Melo, POLO - Research Labortories for Emerging Technologies
in Cooling and Thermophysics; Dr. Rinaldo Puff, Embarco
05 "Spindelverdichter für Ölfreie Verdichtung von R-718"
von Dr. Ralf Steffens, Ingenieurbüro
06 "Performance improvement with VVR for Residential Scroll Compressors"
von Dr. Bachir Bella, Emerson Commercial & Residential Solutions
07 "Investigation on Poppet Valves for Compressors and Expansion Machines"
von Christian Stöckel, BITZER Professur der TU Dresden
08 "Turbo Compressors in Refrigeration Technology"
von Ricardo Schneider, President of Danfoss Turbocor Compressors
09 "Gas Bearings for Turbo Compressors"
von Prof. Jürg Schiffmann, École polytechnique féderale de Lausanne
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