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About DKV

German Society of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, DKV e.V.
DKV is the unique German technical-research society for refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump tech-nology for individuals. The society was founded 1909 in Berlin and has recently more than 1500 members in Germany and foreign countries.


Objectives of Society

·         Advance the arts and science and research of refrigeration, heating and air conditioning. Promote students, young engineers and technicians. Promote the international relationship between technicians and scientists working in the same field. Conduct joint research projects.



·         Deutsche Kaelte- und Klimatagung: Annual meeting of 600 to 700 scientists and technicians from Germany and European neighbours, and more than 120 lectures presented in 5 different working groups

·         DKV is Honorary Sponsor of the European Heat Pump Summit, every two years

·         DKV is Honorary Sponsor of the Chillventa CONGRESS, every two years

·         Monthly series of lectures in the 13 local chapters of DKV

·         Colloquia e.g. “ Innovation Day” every two years, “Challenges” every year



·         DKV-Tagungsberichte: Annual publication of all lectures of the Deutsche Kaelte- und Klimatagung

·         DKV-Forschungsberichte: Interesting research results are published irregular.

·         DKV-Statusbericht: Current interesting themes are published irregular, e.g.  use of ammonia

·         DKV Arbeitsblätter and Kältemaschinenregeln: irregular

·         DKV-Aktuell, society magazine, three times a year

·         Newsletter "NiM-DKV", twice a month

·         Newsletter "NeEt-DKV", every two month

·         Bildungsatlas: “Education-Atlas”, all three months updated


Research Programme

·         Research programmes are installed on request, e.g. Research programme on new refrigerants.



·         13 local chapters of DKV in Germany

·         6 student branches at different universities

·         5 working groups:
IIa basics and substances for refrigeration and heat pump technology
IIb components and systems for refrigeration and heat pumps technology
III  application of refrigeration
IV  air conditioning and heat pump application


Development of Standards

·           Promotion of the DIN-Normenausschuss Kaeltetechnik FNKae: DIN Standards Committee Refrigeration Technology branch


International Contacts

·         DKV is benefactor associate member of the International Institute of Refrigeration IIR-IIF in Paris, France and legal representative of Germany

·         Member of FERA (Federation of European Refrigeration Associations)

·         Associate Member of the American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air conditioning Engineers, ASHRAE, USA-Atlanta


Name of Society

·         Deutscher Kaelte- und Klimatechnischer Verein e.V., DKV e.V.


Mailing Address

Th Theodorstraße 10, 30159 Hannover, Germany 
P.O.Box 0420, 30004 Hannover, Germany


Phone and Fax

·         0049 (0) 511 8970814        phone

·         0049 (0) 511 8970815        fax


E-mail and internet

·         info@dkv.org

·         https://dkv.org


Chief Staff Person

·         Carmen Stadtländer, General Manager


Board Member

  of. Dr.-Ing. Holger Neumann, President

          Dr.-Ing. Yves Wild, Vice President

·         Dipl.-Ing. Peter Eßlinger, Treasurer


Number of Members

·         > 1.500